Page 70 - Plastics News September 2024
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                                                                Produced by Masterpress, the TINE 300g Dairy
                                                                Cup Sleeve is an innovation that encompasses
                                                                the company’s commitment to sustainability
                                                                and reflects Recyclass’ "designed-for-recycling"
                                                                standards. This packaging has introduced a low-
                                                                density 45 polyolefin shrink sleeve material cre-
                                                                ating a “mono-material-like” solution that facili-
                                                                tates proper identification and full recyclability
                                                                of the cups within the correct polymer stream.

                                                                Proprietary machinery for shrink sleeve label ap-
                                                                plication and solutions tailored for e-commerce

          includes the inventive and “designed-for-recy-
          cling” packaging products recognised by the in-       At  FACHPACK,  Masterpress  experts  will  also
          dustry across Europe.                                 be available to discuss the technological capa-
                                                                bilities of the company's machinery solutions.
          Along with its award-winning visual and tactile       Masterpress produces machinery designed for
          samples  of  shrink  sleeves  and  PSL  labels  for   shrink label technology that can be tailored to
          wine, spirits, beverages, home and personal care      customer requirements. This includes stainless
          products, dairy, sports nutrition, and decorative     steel shrink sleeve applicators for the food,
          candles, Masterpress will display its new “mono       chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, steam
          layer”  stand-up  pouch  for  homecare,  personal     tunnels, air knife dryers, and robotic stations.
          care, and food and dairy type products.
                                                                Lastly, Masterpress will showcase a range of
          The most  recent  accolades  include  two AWA         paper bags, exemplifying 100% sustainable so-
          Alexander Watson  Associates Sleeve Label             lutions tailored for e-commerce. The lineup in-
          Awards. Masterpress’ TINE 300g Dairy Cup              cludes mailer bags, carry mailer bags, and carry
          Sleeve produced from 100% recyclable mono-            bags.
          material for TINE SA won in the Environmental                                     Source – interplas insights
          Winner category, and Żubrówka Black Limited-
          Edition packaging created for CEDC Internation-
          al was recognised as the Best of Show packag-

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