Page 75 - Plastics News September 2024
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          How Additives Enhance Plastic Properties              plastics to be used for so many designs.

          Such additives can greatly affect various proper-     Cost Efficiency: It has been established that fill-
          ties of the plastics, when they are incorporated      ers can hereby cut down on the total cost of
          into the plastics. For instance:                      plastics by dwindling the amount of costly resin.

          Enhanced Durability: Some of the additives in-        Conclusion
          clude the stabilizers and the antioxidants where-
          by they act more of as protective agents of the       Plastics find their use in numerous products be-
          polymeric materials to avoid cases such as envi-      cause they have been modified with the help
          ronmental effects.                                    of several additives. It is with this knowledge of
                                                                various kinds of additives and how they function
          Increased Flexibility: With the help of plasticizers   that the manufacturers have relevant informa-
          the plastics will become flexible, that is why with   tion that propels them modify the characteristic
          the help of plastics bending is expected.             of the plastic to suit its intended use and improve
                                                                its performance. Whether the requirement is to
          Improved Safety: Among the uses of application        increase flexibility, to increase toughness, or to
          of flame retardants which can be used in plastics     add colour and so on the role of plastic additives
          consists of the flame extension in plastics flame     continues to safeguard the quality of plastics for
          resistance.                                           the expected application.

          Aesthetic Appeal: Through these pigments, we                                   Source – Plastics Technology
          have so many colours and finish which  makes

          Top 9 Challenges and Solutions in Plastic Waste


                   anagement  of plastic  waste is  one of      1. High Volume of Plastic Waste
                   the biggest global concerns today due
          Mto which there is need to come up with               Challenge: Plastic wastes produced on a daily
          solution to the many challenges that it presents.     basis are phenomenal in the entire world and this
          These are some of the measures that constitute        is worrying. Plastics form part of everybody’s life
          understanding of the challenges of plastic waste      through packaging and other products, which
          and formulation of measures necessary to deal         makes the waste produced by plastics hard to
          with the challenges. In this article, nine major is-  deal with.
          sues encountered in the management of plastic         Solution: To address this volume, it is necessary
          wastes and possible ways of handling them are         to have detailed recycling programmes. In this

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