Page 73 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 73


          The Science of Plastic Additives: Enhancing

          Properties and Performance

                                                                change on a certain quality of the plastics. These
                                                                materials can alter all the characteristic of the
                                                                plastic material including the mechanical proper-
                                                                ties such as the tensile strength, the elastic mod-
                                                                ule, the color and resistance from the effects of
                                                                the environment. The idea is to make the plastic
                                                                to be optimum for use, that is, to modify the ma-
                                                                terial to give the best performance possible.

                                                                Types of Plastic Additives

                                                                1. Stabilizers

                                                                Anti-oxidants play a major role in the preserva-
                                                                tion of plastics from the effects of environmental
                                                                conditions such as UV light,  heat and oxygen.
                                                                There are two main types:

                 oday the use of plastics has permeated         UV Stabilizers: These will not degrade plastics
                 very deeply into human lives and can be        whenever they are exposed to light where the
          Tused in almost all areas of their exist-             translation slightly different. UV is understood
          ence as such components as packing material,          to hasten grinding or wear of teeth apart from
          automobile  trimmings, medical  equipment,  and       changing the shade of the enamel and these
          household  utensils.  Plastics  are flexible  in  their   trays works on the principles of either absorbing
          uses as they can be produced with the help of         or emitting these beams.
          numerous additives. These additives can help
          boost certain properties and characteristics of       Heat Stabilizers:  These additives help  in main-
          the plastics that will enable it for certain uses. In   tains its characteristic when heated as during
          this article, the different aspects of plastic addi-  processing or as the product is in use. They al-
          tives that shall include an understanding of what     leviate problems like heat treatments which usu-
          they are, its types and the effects that it has at    ally results into reduction of mechanical proper-
          the performance of plastics shall be discussed        ties.
          in detail.
                                                                2. Plasticizers
          What Are Plastic Additives?
                                                                They are incorporated to enhance prominence
          Plasticizers are additives which are put into the     of plastics since they possess high rigidity and
          plastics or which are added when the plastics         high degree of crystallinity. They function on the
          are being processed in order to improve on or         principle of expanding the gaps within polymers,

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