Page 74 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 74


          as a result of which the polymer chains get more      to be coloured. The factors, which make it pos-
          freedom to move about. Such characteristics are       sible to add the colorants to the plastic, include
          very important for uses such as, flexible hoses       enhancing the looks of the final product and the
          and inflatable goods. The examples of primary         capability of the colorant to give the plastic an
          plasticizers are phthalates and adipates.             extra function, for example, the capability to re-
                                                                sist UV light.
          3. Flame Retardants
                                                                5. Fillers

                                                                Various substances incorporated into plastics to
                                                                enhance the properties of the finished product,
                                                                with  the  possibility  of  lowering  the  cost  price
                                                                of the manufactured article, are called fillers.
                                                                Typically, the uses of fillers can involve calcium
                                                                carbonate, talc, and glass fibers. Each filler can
                                                                acts as a strengthening agent for the plastic or
                                                                material, and is generally added to reduce the
                                                                amount of costly resin within the material as well
                                                                adding more strength and stiffness as well as im-
                                                                pact resistance.

                                                                6. Antioxidants

                                                                Antioxidants are employed to stop the process
          Flame retardants are employed in plastic articles     of oxidation of plastics which in turn causes the
          to minimize burning characteristics of the plastic    loss of mechanical properties of the material.
          so that it can be safely employed in areas where      Which operates by way of scavenging of free
          fire hazards are inherent. Such are the addi-         radicals that are formed during processing and
          tives that operate in the capacity of preventing      degradation of plastics. This is useful in preserv-
          the ignition of the plastic material or acting as     ing the strength of the plastic as well its lifespan
          a hindrance to the rate at which flames spread.       on the market or in day to day use.
          Flame retardants can be broadly classified into
          two main categories these include; Halogenated        7. Anti-static Agents
          flame retardants and non-halogenated flame re-
          tardants.                                             Stabilizers are added into the plastics to re-
                                                                duce the calibration of the plastics to charge
          4. Colorants                                          up through production of static electricity. This
                                                                was important in the applications where the
          Those, which are used for the purpose of giving       static electricity leads to issues like in the con-
          the color to the plastics are known as colorants.     nections or in the materials used in packaging.
          It  can  be  dyes  or  pigments  and  the  choice  of   These agents assist in counter charging so as to
          the particular depends on the effect of colour-       minimize the buildup of charges to attract dust
          ing intended and on the type of plastic material
                                                                or cause electrical discharge.

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